I did some research on my final idea. The images above are just some example on what I wanted my final piece to be based on. I had to do something that related to remix culture. For my porject I Decided to do a visual representation using lasso tape and string. On the lasso tape I typed in what the three theorists Ronald Barthes, Micheal Foucault and Micheal Rock stated about authors, authorship and readers, something which I have previously mentioned in my essay. I then cut them up into strips and stuck it on the wall using pins. I used string to connect each of the points that related to each other together. I started at any random point and then connected to each point one by one in order. Starting on the last point which was by Barthes were he stated that "There is someone who understands each word in its duplicity...this someone is precisely the reader. Once we have taken the power away from the author the claim to 'decipher'a text becomes quite useless" the power is now in the hands of the reader. The point which the string finished on was by Foucault were he largely agreed that the power lay within the reader and it was their job to interpret the artistic work which gave it meaning.
In order to encourage prospective graphic design students, Seun Clarke invites them to determine their own direction of study. By connecting action and subject, they create new prospective paths.
Just like most products of human ingenuity and humanity itself, aircraft come in all shapes and sizes. In this particular version of connect-the-dots. Aaron Koblin draws vapour trails of light across North America and beyond, towards the outlying US territories, to chart the intensity of air travel above the continent, coded by aircraft makes and models. Originally part of a series of experiments on 'Celestial Mechanics' with Gabriel Dunne and Scott Hessel at UCLA. Flight patterns examines these emerging travel trends by plotting Federal Aviation Administration data in the processing programming environment.
Jin Jung joins a web of words across the wall shuffling through examples of personal poetry, the communication designer decided to gouge and seek the publics reaction to his work by visual means. In this spirit, he asked close friends to pick their favourite words and phrases and record those at the top of the list.